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Q: Can an obtuse and acute angle make a straight angle?
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What do a obtuse angle and a acute angle make?

They can make an obtuse angle, a straight angle or a reflex angle.

Is the supplement of an acute angle a obtuse angle?

yes. the supplement adds to the acute angle to make 180 degrees. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Example: acute angle is 30 degrees. 180-30 is 150, which is obtuse.

Can you make a triangle with 1 obtuse angle 1 acute angle and 1 right angle?


What is the supplement of a acute angle?

First, an acute angle is an Angle that is less than a right angle (<90°) Secondly, an obtuse angle is one that is more than a right angle but less then a straight angle (<180°) then, the complementary angles of a pair of angles is 90° or a Right angle and the complement of an acute angle is the amount needed of an unknown angle (against known angles) to make 90° or a right angle a supplementary angle are a pair of angles which, when Added together, make 180° or a straight line. and the suplement to an angle is the value of an unknow angle to to be added on to make 180°

Are the exterior angles of a scalene triangle always obtuse?

No, they are not always obtuse, because a scalene triangle can also sometimes be an obtuse triangle (meaning that one interior angle is obtuse), making one exterior angle acute. Scalene triangles also can be a right triangles (meaning that one interior angle is a right angle), which would make an exterior angle a right angle. Then also they can be acute triangles, in this case all 3 exterior angles are obtuse.

How do you use a right angle to determine the classification of another angle?

YOU can use a right angle by making it small to make it acute or you can make it big so it is obtuse

Is a 92 degrees angle obtuse or acute?

A 92-degree angle is considered acute because it measures less than 90 degrees. Acute angles are angles that are less than 90 degrees and are commonly found in geometric shapes like triangles. In contrast, obtuse angles measure more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

How are angles and squares alike?

An angle is like acute angle, right angle, and obtuse angle. It takes 4 right angles 2 make a square. So no an angle is not like a square.

How do two intesecting line but not perpendicular look?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

What does a two non-perpendicular bisecting line segments look like?

They make a pair of acute angles and a pair of obtuse angles. In rotational order, the angles are acute, obtuse, acute, obtuse.

How do you angle a picture on pages?

You angle a picture on pages by turning it a little bit but not to much or you will get a obtuse angle and make sure you use a ruler or something straight to balance it.

How do you make a abtuse angle?

You can construct an obtuse angle with a straight edge and a protractor and that the angle must be greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.