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Instead of the answer being a curve, it is a region.

For example, if y > x2 + 4, the answer is not the parabola y = x2 + 4. Instead it is the region above the parabola (as if the bowl were filled with something.)

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Q: How does the inequality symbol affect the graph of an inequality with two variables?
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A bivariate linear inequality.

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What is the definition of graph of an inequality?

a graph

Which inequality symbols are represented by a solid line on a graph?

The graph of an inequality is a region, not a line.

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if you have y <= f(x), then graph the function y = f(x) with a solid line, then shade everything below that graph.

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How do you graph yx-7?

You can graph an equation or an inequality but you cannot graph an expression.

How do you solve an inequality that has two different variables?

If this is school work, the solution is as follows: Treat the inequality as an equality and graph the relevant line (straight or curved). Set both variables equal to 0 and find out whether or not the inequality at (0,0) is true. If the inequality is false, reject (shade out) all of the plane on the side of the line that contains the origin while if it is true, reject the part of the plane beyond the line. The unshaded part is the valid (or feasible) region.

When graphing a linear inequality in two variables how do you know if the inequality represents the area above the line?

Take a sample point from either the top or bottom of the graph. I like to use (0,0) if it is not on the line. Substitute it into the inequality and if it is true then it represents all points on that line as true and vice versa.