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You may remember that 1 mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet = 63360 inches.

Then 10mph = 10 * 5280 feet /60 * 60 seconds =52800 divided by 60 * 60 which results as 88 ft per sec

he Acceleration can be found by dividing 88 ft/sec by 5.4 secs = 440/27 ft/sec/sec

Now we can use the formula S = UT + 1/2(A)(T^) where ^ means "squared".

S = distance travelled; U = starting velocity (which is zero in this example); T = time taken; A = Acceleration

Substituting into the equation we have S = (0 * 5.4) + (1/2) * (440/27) + (5.4)^

so S = 0 + (1/2) * (440/27) * (5.4^)

This leads to the result 54 * 4.4 = 237.6 ft = 79.2 yards = 0.045 mile

That's 45 thousandths of a mile.

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