Fold It In Half Like This:
_________ Make A Dotted Line On The Paper If It Helps! :)
_ Thanks,Hallie Russell
Select any one side and divide its length into 5 equal parts. Draw lines that are parallel to the adjacent side to the opposite side. This will divide the rectangle into 5 equal strips.
Think of an A4 piece of paper... Landscape is the piece of paper laid with its longest side top & bottom (like a letter-box). Portrait is the piece of paper 'stood' on its shortest side.
a piece of paper is a 3D object it has a front and back face + two side edges + a top and bottom edge = 6 sides a piece of paper has 6 sides
you get an isoceles triangle which is a triangle that has two sides equal and the other side is a different length.
Divide each side into three equal parts. Then join the division marks on opposite sides with straight lines parallel to the other side(s).
If you took the three angles of a triangle and glued them on a piece of paper side by side the outer sides would make a straight line. A triangles three angles add up equal 180 degrees. A straight angle,line, equals 180 degrees.
When you blow under a piece of paper, the air flow creates a low-pressure area under the paper, causing it to bend towards the side with higher pressure (usually the top side). The pressure difference between the top and bottom of the paper results in a lifting force that causes the paper to bend.
Select any one side. Divide its length into 5 equal parts. Do the same to the opposite side. Join the corresponding divisions. You will then have 5 equal rectangular divisions of the square.
to start you get a round piece of cardboard and a circular piece of paper and glue together then get a pin puncture just under the paper and back up again on the other side of the cardboard get another piece of paper the same size and colour in you can also get wrapping paper if you preferred glue on and you have YOUR OWN BADGE!
You make the seals go to a side but in the end and then you can get it
on the ladder thing go to the top and get the paper that's flying
Take any side and divide it in three. Do the same to the opposite side. Join these division points to make three equal strips.