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How is a thermometer like a number line?

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Q: How is a thermometer like a number line?
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How is a thermometer different from a number line?

On the negative side it is finite: the number line goes on forever in both directions.

How do you correctly position the number lines on a thermometer?

NUMBERING is a correct position the number lines on a thermometer.

What did first thermometer look like?

it looked like a modern thermometer

How is a thermomerter like a number line?

If you noticed turn the thermomerter side ways and there you have it the number line and there are positive numbers and negitive numbers just like a number line

How does a food thermometer relate to math?

because it has a number on it's thermometer for food.

How many mm are between each number in the celsius scale on a thermometer?

I varies depending upon the size of the thermometer.

How you use a alcoholic thermometer?

stick it somewhere and read the temperature reading where the coloured line is.

What is the correct way to divide the word thermometer?

Thermometer is divided like this: ther-mom-e-ter.

Why do you like Mercury?

i like mercury because it is inside a thermometer

A sentence that has the word thermometer?

A thermometer is an instrument used to measure temperature.Get me a thermometer I think he has a fever.I'm using a meat thermometer so I know exactly when the roast is done.The thermometer must be broken, it says 62 degrees, but it feels like 92 in here!

What are some examples of integers you use in your daily lives?

Oh, its EVERYWHERE in life. Just plain numbers are integers, well, just not on a number line or being used in mathematical works, something like that, though. A thermometer is one example, and anything to do with temperature. Sorry, but that's all I got.

What does a common fraction look like?

A number, a slash, and another number. For example: 1/2 or another way is to write a small number, a horizontal line underneath it, and another number beneath the line.