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Q: What does a number line look like?
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What does a common fraction look like?

A number, a slash, and another number. For example: 1/2 or another way is to write a small number, a horizontal line underneath it, and another number beneath the line.

How do you do number line?

Look at the numbers and see if the number line is less or higher

How do you label a number line?

Look at the numbers and see if the number line is less or higher

What does an Exponent look like?

It's a number printed smaller, above, and to the right of another number. On the next line, '6' is the exponent: 106

What does an oblique line look like?

a straight line

Do you subtract a negative and a negative?

yesrer324: it depends what way you mean. look at it like this.taking away a negative number from a negative number means you would go up the number number line just as positive numbers go up the number line.

What does a curved line look like?

A curved line is a line that is curved.

What does a linear line look like?

A linear line is a straight line

What does a polygon look like?

A polygon is a shape in which every site is a line segment. It can have any number of sides and any number of angles, but always has the same number of sides as it has angles..

What is a horizontal line segment look like?

a line across

What does a line segmant look like?

If the line has ends, then it's a line segment.

How is a thermomerter like a number line?

If you noticed turn the thermomerter side ways and there you have it the number line and there are positive numbers and negitive numbers just like a number line