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Wrap your food in aluminum.

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Q: How is aluminum used in daily life?
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Related questions

Why is aluminum?

Aluminum is considered important because it is used in daily life, some ways aluminum is used in is 'tin foil' (aluminum foil) it is also used in vehicles.

What element is used everyday?

The roles of elements in your daily life are quite significant. For instance elements like oxygen and carbon dioxide are responsible for life itself. Other elements like nitrogen, aluminum and so on also have significant roles in our daily lives.

Why is gold so expensive and aluminum is so cheap?

Gold is much more dearer these days because there is less of it then aluminum. Also aluminum is a renewable source that can be used infinite amount of times. Aluminium is used more in daily life and gold is used for flourishing fashion accessories.But if we actually counted the amount of times aluminum is used then it would be most expensive.

Why is the mineral aluminum important?

Aluminum is used to make planes. It is lightweight, yet sturdy, so the plane won't use a lot of gas but has enough protection. When aluminum comes in contact with air, a thin protective layer forms on the aluminum.

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How is scientific notation used in daily life?

It usually isn't. Scientific notation is used for very large and very small numbers, that are not normally used in your daily life. Unless your "daily life" involves work in science or engineering.

What tools are commonly used to study daily life?

Tools that are commonly used to study daily life include things like polls and surveys. Sometimes video cameras and audio recordings are also used to study daily life.

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I use the Golden Ratio in my daily life to design websites.

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