Any time you receive change.
All of them since, by definition, they are part of daily life!
In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
Whole numbers contain no fractional part as do decimals
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
price of goods
Any time you receive change.
All of them since, by definition, they are part of daily life!
money uses decimals
When you go shopping you have to deal with the whole amount and partial amount. If your in London, you have Pound's (£) and Penny's (p).
Greeks daily life was a big part in their life if 1 of them died their was a huge fight of who killed them
In price tags, Doces of medicine, Taxes, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Division, Averages, Measurments, Weight.
For Romans it was a part of daily life!
religion is a large part in every country's daily life but it is not larger in England than all other places.
decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole