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Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally... PEMDAS

P = parenthesis

E = Exponent

M = Multiply

D = Divide

A = Add

S = Subtract

In other words, order of operation as it is know in mathematics. So coming full circle to your question, parenthesis are typically reserved in equations force a portion of a calcuation to be completed before another, i.e.

1+2*3=7, while (1+2)*3=9. In the second equation, parenthesis are inserted to make sure the addtion is completed prior to the multipication.

However, in the question you pose the answer would be the same.

(11)^x = 11^x

All that said, if the parenthesis in question in in a line of software code, most programs will only connect the term immediately before the carrot "^" as being raised to the power. So a program would read 11^x as 1*1^x instead of (11)^x, thus the need for the parenthesis.

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