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Q: How is it possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?
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Is it possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

yes it is

Is it possible for two rays run parallel to each other?

No it's not

Describe how it is possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

Two rays could come from adjacent sources. If they are both in the same direction, they would be parallel to each other. Or one ray could be bonced off two mirrors like a letter Z to create two parallel rays.

How can two rays be parallel to each other?

If the slope of the lines are the same, it show that the lines are parallel.

The shadow of a cloud on the ground is the same size and shape as the cloud itself because the sun's rays are?

If the sun's rays are parallel, you get a same size and same (projected) shape. They are pretty much parallel (to each other).

What would it look like if you draw two rays that are not parallel to each other and will never intersect?

Parralel Lines.

How Two rays that are not parallel to each other and never intersect?

just draw lines opposite of each other but not connected. and just make the ray the opposite direction of the other and you have it done.

When an object is placed near a screen why is there no image formed?

This is due to the way that light rays bend. When the image is close to the screen, the light rays reflect off the mirror and do not converge or diverge. Rather than travel perpendicular to each other, the light rays travel parallel?æto each other. This does not allow an image to form.

What is light rays obey the law of reflection which states that?

what is the parallel light rays reflect off each mirror below looks like with a ruler

Why you are not able to see your image on the sheet of paper?

An Image is formed only when there is parallel reflection of light rays that falls on the surface..... Like in Mirror, the surface is plane, while in case of Paper, the surface is irregular or zic zag and hence the reflected rays are not parallel to each other and so no image is formed.

Can rays ever be parallel lines?

Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.

Why can rays be perpendicular but not parallel?

Rays pass through one point. Parallel lines never meet.