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Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*perpendicular height

Area of a parallelogram = base*perpendicular height

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Q: How is the formula for the area of a triangle related to the formula for an area of a parallelogram?
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How is the formula for the parallelogram related to the area formula of the rectangle?

The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

How is the area of a triangle related to the area of a parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

How is area of triangle related to parallelogram?

If the heights and bases are the same, then the triangle is half the area of the parallelogram.

How is the area of a parallelogram related to the area formula for the area for a triangle?

It is base x height for the parallelogram. That is twice the area of a triangle which is: 1/2 base x height. (Base and height being the same for both cases).

How is the formula for the area of a trapezoid related to the formula for a area of a parallelogram?

The formula for the area of a trapezoid is a combination of the formulas for the areas of a triangle and a rectangle. It can be seen as two congruent triangles placed together to form a parallelogram. So, the formula for the area of a parallelogram is a generalization of the formula for the area of a trapezoid.

How is the area of a parallelogram related to the area of a triangle with the same base and height?

The parallelogram has twice the area of the triangle if their bases are the same and their heights are the same. Area triangle = 1/2 base x height. Area parallelogram = base x height.

Can a triangle have the same perimeter and area as a parallelogram?

I don't know about the relation in the perimeters of a triangle and a parallelogram but if a triangle is on the same base on which the parallelogram is and the triangle is between the same parallel lines of the parallelogram, then the area of the triangle will be half the area of the parallelogram. That is, area of a triangle = 1/2 area of a parallelogram if the triangle is on the same base and between the same parallel lines.

How are the area formulas of triangles and parallelogram alike. How are they different?

They involve only the base and vertical height.The formula for a triangle is half that for the corresponding parallelogram.

How do you draw a triangle and a parallelogram that each have an area of 20 units?

Do you know the formula for the area of a triangle ? Pick a base-length and a height for your triangle so that 1/2 (base x height) = 20. Do you know the formula for the area of a parallelogram ? Pick a base-length and a height for your parallelogram so that (base x height) = 20. We're having a problem understanding your difficulty. Of course, if you don't know the formulas for area . . .

Why do you have to divide the area of a triangle and not a parallelogram?

you do it because the triangle is half the size of the parallelogram

Why does a triangle multiplied by one half?

To get the area it half breadth by height. A simplified thought on this is because the formula for the area of a parallelogram is length by width, and a triangle would be half of this

What is the formula area of a parallelogram?

The formula for area of a parallelogram is bh. Base times height.