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Well, for one thing, the Earth isn't made of chocolate in a thin candy shell.

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Q: How is the m and m not like the earth?
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What is the difference between weight on mercury and weight on earth?

It would go something like this. e = Earth's gravity m = Mercury's gravity e*0.38=m Just put whatever number in Earth's gravity and do the math.

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The formula to find weight is: W = mg, where, m=mass, g=acc due to gravity=9.81 m/sec2 but according to the law of gravitation mass of the earth is given by m = g.R2 / G, where, R=radius of earth=6x106 m

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Would your weight be the same in space as it on earth?

your mass will be the same, but you weight will differ. because as the calculation shows, weight= mass X gravity, and the gravity of the earth is 9.8 m/s2 and the gravity of the moon is 1.622 m/s2. so you weight will not be the same in the moon as of the earth.

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depends on where it falls - on mars, earth or sun... On earth, it is about 9,8 m/sec^2. In general, it can be estimated by newton's formula F=G*m*M/R^2, where G is a constant, m is mass of the falling body, M is a mass of gravitating object (earth) R is distance between them. Consequently, acceleration is F/m = ...

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Does Venuse have stronger or weaker gravity than Earth?

No. Gravity on Earth is 9.78 M/S^2; Gravity on Venus is 8.87 M/S^2

If your mass on earth is m your mass at a distance of 3 earth radii from the center of the earth will be while your weight will be?

-- If your mass is 'm', then your mass is 'm', regardless of whether you're on the earth,2 earth radii out in space, or on the moon. Mass doesn't change.-- On the surface, your distance from the center of the earth is 1 earth radius. Weight isinversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the earth, so at adistance of 3 earth radii from the center, your weight is 1/32 = 1/9th of your weight on thesurface. If your mass is 'm' then your weight on the surface is mg = 9.8m newtons, and at3 earth radii from the center it's 1.089m newtons (rounded).

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