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At the Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2.

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Q: What is the earth's gravitational constant?
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Related questions

What year earths gravitational constant invented?

The earth's gravitational constant was created about 4.5 billion years ago, with the formation of the planet within the Solar System.

Who measured the gravitational constant G?

Cavendish measured the gravitational constant "G".

Why did Einstein have to find a gravitational constant?

The gravitational constant was found by Newton, not Einstein.

When was g the earth's gravitational constant calculated?

g, the force of the Earth's gravitational attraction, is not a constant.

Earth's gravitational constant?

Earths gravitational constant, known as g, as around 9.81 m s-1 .The word around is a tip-off that it is a somewhat inconstant constant. It varies slightly depending on your latitude, longitude, height a.s.l. and the type and extent of the minerals under your feet. This last explains why some geologists carry a handy instrument called a gravimeter.

Are gravitational constant and gravitational force the same thing?


Why gravitational constant?

The gravitational constant was derived experimentally. Until recently, it was believed that it was a universal constant. However, developments in cosmological theories suggest the possibility that it is not a constant.

Who founded universal gravitational constant?

Sir. Isaac Newton discovered the formula with the universal gravitational constant.

What is the dimension of gravitation constant?

what is dimnsion of gravitational constant

What is a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an abject?

Force gravitational = (mass of the object)(the gravitational constant) F=mg "g" is the gravitational constant, it is equal to 9.8 m/s^2

IS the gravitaional constant of moon is same as earth?

No, the gravitational constant on the Moon is not the same as on Earth. The gravitational constant depends on the mass and radius of the celestial body. The Moon has a lower mass and radius compared to Earth, resulting in a weaker gravitational constant on the Moon.

When was gravitational constant found?

Although Newton included the gravitational constant in his law of universal gravitational constant, its value was not determined until some 70 odd years after his death, when Henry Cavendish measured it in 1798.