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2/3 of its present size

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Q: How large was the universe when the sun and solar system formed?
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How do people think the earth and solar system was formed?

The solar system and its planets was fromed from a very large supernova, or massive explosion. (Scientific explanation) God created the entire universe and everything in it. (Biblical explanation)

What do you call a large cloud of gas and dust such as the one that formed our solar system?

That is called an accretion disk or a proto-Solar system.

How old was the universe when solar system formed?

About 9 to 12 billion years old

Why is the solar system so freakily large?

Because it is the universe!!!! And also your question should have been Why is the solar system so freakishly large? If you were smart you would now that!!!

What is bigger the universe or the solar system?

The definition of "universe" is "everything". That includes the solar system Since the solar system is a part of the universe, and since there is other stuff in addition to the solar system, and since there is nothing more in addition to the universe, we can see that the universe is bigger than the solar system.

A very large group of stars and planets that includes the sun and its solar system?


How will scientist get better evidence about how the solar system was formed?

the going on experiment regarding god element in Geneva will surely get a success regarding the formation of solar system and universe

What was the solar system when the moon formed?

When the Moon was formed, the Solar System WAS already a solar system.

Which is the smallest universe galaxy solar system?

`Solar system` is the smallest. then `Galaxy`, then `Universe` is the largest.

Scientists believe that the solar system may have formed from condensation of a large?


Is this true is the order from smallest to largest is sun milky way solar system universe?

This would be the list in general, although there are probably moons somewhere in the universe that are larger than the earth. Earth's moon; the earth; the sun; the solar system; the galaxy; the universe.

Which one is the biggest universe in the solar system?

There is no such thing. The Universe is much bigger than the Solar System - and there is only one Universe, at least only one that we know of.