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Use trigonometry to find the leg sizes which are 6.92820323 and 4 units in length

Check using Pythagoras' theorem:

6.9282032232+42 = 64 and the square root of this is 8 which is the length of the hypotenuse.

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Q: How long is the longer leg on a triagle with an hypotenuse of 8 and angles of 60 30 and 90 degrees?
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Why is hypotenuse longer than either 2 other legs?

One reason is that the longest side must be opposite the largest angle. Since the sum of the angles is 180 degrees, we know the other two angles together add up to 90. That is to say, we must have a right angle, 90 degrees, to have a hypotenuse, and the angle opposite the hypotenuse is the right angle.The other two angles are smaller so the sides that are opposite from them are smaller too.

What could be the ratio of the length of the longer leg of a 30-60-90 triangle to the length?

Assuming that 30-60-90 refers to the angles (in degrees), the ratio of the longer leg to the hypotenuse would be 1:cosine(30) = 1:sqrt(3)/2 or 2:sqrt(3)

Is it possible to construct a right equilateral triangle?

I don't think so, because in right triangles, the hypotenuse has to be bigger than the other two sides. An equilateral triangle by definition has equal sides. The angles between these sides are also equal. In any triangle, the sum of the angles must equal 180 degrees. A right triangle by definition has one angle that equals 90 degrees. To be equilateral it would have to have 3 angles which are all 90 degrees. Adding these up, the total sum of the angles would be 270 degrees. This would no longer be classified as a triangle.

What are the properties of isosceles right triangles?

They have one right angle and two angles of 45 degrees each; the two sides adjacent to the right angle are equal in length; the hypotenuse is longer by a factor of the square root of 2, which is 1.414 to 3 decimal places.

How do you know if your solving for the leg or the hypotenuse?

The hypotenuse will always be longer than the other sides.

Can a right triangle have three acute angles and three equal sides?

No, a right angled triangle cannot have three acute angles because an acute angle is less than 90 degrees and a right angled triangle has one angle of exactly 90 degrees (which is what right angled means, equal to 90 degrees).Also, because the triangle has a right angle (of 90 degrees) it cannot have three equal sides; it can have two equal sides but the side opposite to the right angle (the hypotenuse) will always be longer than either of the other two sides.

Can a triangle have more than two right angles?

I would have to say no. A triangle can't have more than one right angle to begin with. If it had 2 right angles, then it is no longer a triangle. The angles of the triangle have to add up to 180 degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees. So if you had two right angles you would already be at 180 degrees.

One leg of a right triangle is twice the length of the other leg What is the cosine of the angle between the longer leg and the hypotenuse?

Shorter leg = 1Longer leg = 2Hypotenuse = sqrt(5)Cosine of angle between the longer leg and the hypotenuse = 2 / sqrt(5) = 0.89443 (rounded)The angle is 26.565 degrees (rounded)

Can a leg of a right triangle be longer than the hypotenuse?


How do you find the side lengths of a 20-70-90 triangle?

There are an infinite number of different sets of lengths that will do it. You have to start by choosing the length of one side, and when you do that, here's how to find the others: Shorter leg = (longer leg) x 0.364 Shorter leg = (hypotenuse) x 0.342 Longer leg = (shorter leg) x 2.747 Longer leg = (hypotenuse) x 0.94 Hypotenuse = (shorter leg) / 0.342 Hypotenuse = (longer leg) / 0.94

What makes a rectangle a parallelogram?

A change in one of the angles so that it is no longer 90 degrees. (assuming the vertices are all free to rotate but not slide).

How do you use the word hypotenuse in a sentence?

A hypotenuse is the longer and slanting side of a right triangle. So based on that here are some sentences made by yours truly! :) "The hypotenuse of this triangle is 36, correct?" Colleen verified, her voice unsure. Pointing at the overhead projector, Mr. Franco said,"This longer side of this right triangle is called the hypotenuse; For more information, please see your textbook. "