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Answering this is a tough situation. I'll do it considering the effects of gravity only. We'll know that the answer can't possible be true because the effects of air resistance have been ignored. But from the question, we have no information on the size or shape of the object, so there's no way we can account for any effects of air resistance. Taking into account the effect of gravity only, the height 'H' through which an object falls due to gravity, from rest, in a period of 't' seconds is H = 1/2 G t2, where 'G' is the acceleration of gravity = 32.2 feet per second2. Solve this equation for 't': t2 = 2 H / G ===> t = sqrt( 2H / G ) = sqrt ( 2 x 1,362 / 32.2 ) = sqrt(84.6) = 9.198seconds (rounded)

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Q: How long would it take for an object to fall to the ground from 1362 feet?
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Does the mass effect the time taken for objects rolling down a slope?

Galileo dropped two different sized objects from the tower of Pisa and they both hit the ground at the same time. The object was to prove that the size/weight (i.e. mass) of the object would not affect the rate of fall.

How long does it take for a 200 pound object to fall 692 feet?

If they're not falling through air, then a bean and a battleship both fall 692 feetin 6.556 seconds. The weight of the object makes no difference.If the object IS falling through air, then in order to answer the question, we need toknow the object's shape, size, and volume, plus the temperature, humidity, density,and pressure of the air, at every altitude between the ground and 692 feet.

A rock is dropped from a height of 60 m and is in a free fall what is the velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground 3.5 seconds later?

After 3.5 seconds of free-fall on or near the surface of the Earth, (ignoring effectsof air resistance), the vertical speed of an object starting from rest isg T = 3.5 g = 3.5 x 9.8 = 34.3 meters per second.With no initial horizontal component, the direction of such an object's velocitywhen it hits the ground is straight down.

How long in seconds would it take for an object to fall 120 meters?

depends on weight of object and wind strength.normally heavy objects will drop down faster than lighter objects.

Why light and heavier object when fall through vacuum more side by side?

This is because the weight of an object does not affect the acceleration of that object due to gravity. At Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 9.8m/s2, regardless of the mass of the object.What does differ with the mass of the object is the force of gravity. Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. So a one kilogram object will fall with a force of roughly 9.8 meters squared per second squared, or 9.8 Newtons (N). A two kilogram object would fall with a force of about 19.6N (2kg * 9.8m/s2). This is why when -NOT- in a vacuum, items of different mass can fall at different rates. The additional force of the more massive object will better counter the force of friction with the air, allowing it to fall faster even though it's acceleration is the same.

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air resistance will increase the time for an object to fall to the ground

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an object free falling would continue to gain speed until met by a balanced force i.e. the ground

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Any object that could fall to the ground has potential energy that would be exerted by the force of gravity when it falls.

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Do all objects fall to the ground?

Yes unless you are in space or the object can fly

What Italian scientist argued that the mass of an object does not affect the time the object takes to fall to the ground?

Galileo galilei

Why do object fall to the ground when dropped?

It is due to gravity. It is Earth's gravitation force that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.

Why object fall to the ground?

Gravity pulls them down. Newtons Law of Gravity: what goes up must come down. objects fall to the ground because of gravity

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Gravity causes an object to fall from a height. Without gravity, the object would just be floating in the air.

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The force that opposes a downward force on an object would be called the "normal force". For example, it is as a result of the normal force that people do not fall though the ground the same way that they fall through the air.

Why do we need to study about free fall?

Free fall is when an object is falling on the ground without any hindrance. It is important to learn about gravity.

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Gravity is forcing an object to fall to the ground. Another force is friction from air pressure on the falling object.