171 miles
171 mi / 120 MPH = 1.425 hr = 1 hr 27 min
Time = Distance/Speed = 171/70 = 2.443 hours (approx)
About 2 hours 38 minutes at 65 mph
If you include 8 and 171, there would be 171-8+1 = 164 If you dont include both, it would be2 less -> 162
(171 miles / 3 hours) x (5,280 feet / mile) x (1 hour / 3,600 seconds) = 83.6 feet/second
It all depends on how fast you drive. However, as an example, to cover the 171 miles would require at least 2 hours and 37 minutes of driving time if you maintained a steady 65 mph. You will have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.
It would be 171 sf, ideally 171 tiles but no tile is truly 12"x12" . SO i would purchase 171 sf when you go buy the tiles. not the number of tiles.
171 mm
Well, let's see. It's 2011 now, so if we take 171 away from 2011 we come up with 1840.
The 2002 Porsche Boxster is 14 ft. 3 in. (171 in.) long.