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One byte is commonly accepted as holding eight bits. Therefore, one byte can hold eight 1's or eight 0's or anything in between, such as three 1's and five 0's.

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Q: How many 1's and 0s can one byte of memory contain?
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one - byte data.

How much memory is required to store a 'character' and how much is required to store a 'string'?

a character/byte as defined in the C programming language is one byte (8 bits). A string can be as short as one byte and can be as long as the physical memory limits can contain it.

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What is byte addressable memory?

a byte is abasic storage unit in memory. when application program instructions and data are transferd to memory from storage devices. byte addressable memory refers to memory address that is accessed one byte (8 bits) at a time as opposed to 2 byte(16 bits), 4 byte(32 bits) or 8 byte(64 bits) addressable memory.

How many memory locations represents a kilobyte?

If a memory location stores one byte, then a kilobyte is made up of 1,000 locations.

What do you call an amount of computer memory needed to score a single character?

8 bits is one byte. you need one byte for a character

Does even a blank space between words takes up one byte of memory?

Yes it can, it is a letter that can take a byte or memory such as, punctuation marks. binary code : 00100000

Which memory unit is equal to one character?

One byte (8 bits) represents a character .

A byte can hold one of data?

A byte is a measure of memory in the computer, 8 bits is equal to one byte, a bit is a binary value of 1 or 0, you cannot really measure how much memory it can hold.

How many classes can a single NET DLL contain?

unlimited class and method contain one dll file or depending upon the memory(primary memory)......

How many songs same as 1 byte?

A byte is a unit of computer memory equaling 8 bits. A bit is a one or a zero. A byte is essentially equal to one character, as it can store a value from 1 to 255. A byte is too small to store any songs. Perhaps the questioner means a megabyte(1,000,000 bytes) or a gigabyte(1,000,000,000 bytes)?

What is the purpose of a byte in Java?

Java coding uses byte as one of the programming directives to clarify commands. Byte can also be used in the Java code to save memory space when the need arises.