

How many 4x4 tiles in a sq ft?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: How many 4x4 tiles in a sq ft?
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If A bathroom floor has 4x4-inch tiles covering its surface. if the floor is 3x5 feet. how many tiles were used?

There are 3 tiles per foot, so 9 per square foot. 3 ft x 5 ft = 15 sq ft x 9 tiles per sq ft = 135 tiles

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250 tiles

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A square with 6" on each side is 1/4 sq ft, so there are 4 tiles in 1 sq ft, and 4 tiles x 8 = 32 tiles.

How many 21x16 tiles would you need for 120sq ft?

21"x16"=336 sq inches 336 sq inches / 144 sq in per sq ft = 2.33 sq ft per tile 120 sq ft / 2.33 sq ft = 51 tiles Add 15% for breakage and cuts = 60 tiles

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How many 2x3in tiles to cover 256 sq ft?

6,144 tiles !

How many 1X1Ft tiles needed for 204 sq ft?

204 tiles

How Many Tiles 18.5 X 18.5 For 2880 SQ FT?

if tiles are 18.5 inch on a side then 18.5 x 18.5 = 342 sq in = 2.38 sq ft; 2880/2.38 = 1212 tiles

How many tiles for 4x4 for 25 sqft?

There are 9 (4X4) tiles in one square foot and you have 25 sq feet. Multiply 25 by 9 and the answer is 225.

Need 65 tiles 16x16 how many square feet is it?

256 sq in = 1.7777 sq ft ea X 56 tiles = 115.55 sq ft area to cover

How many 12x24 tiles would you need for 3000 sq ft?

1500 tiles

How many 9x9 tiles i you need to cover 100 sq ft?

178 tiles