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112,640,000 acres About 17.6 million sq miles, 640 acres to a sq mile.

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Q: How many acres would it be the surface of the moon?
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How big is the moon in acres?

The Moon has a surface area of 3.793 × 107 km², which is equivalent to 9.373 x 109 acres.

Which moon would look the brightest from the surface of Jupiter?

The moon Io would look the brightest from the surface of Jupiter because It is the nearest.

How many centimeters from earth to the moon?

The surface of the Earth is exactly 19,241,453,486 centimeters from the surface of the moon.

How is the surface of the moon different than the surface of the sun?

The surface of the sun is 10 thousand degrees F but the moon is very cold. The surface of the sun is much hotter than the moon's. The moon has many craters.

Does the moon have blood on its surface?

No the moon doesn't have blood on it's surface because that would be the dumbest thing in the first place and how would it get there in the first place.

Would i float into space if i were on the moon?

No, there is sufficient gravity on the Moon for you to stay on the surface.

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How rough is the Moon's surface?

I would say, very rough since meteors and other things have crash onto the moon's surface, so it would be very rough

Where would you find a lunar crater?

YES!!! The adjective 'Lunar' from Latin, means of the Moon.

Does the moon surface maria have many craters?


Can crater be found on the moon?

Yes, there are many thousands or millions of craters on the Moon's surface.

What would cause the gravity on the surface of mars to be greater than the gravity on the surface of the moon?

The mass