There are 254000000 angstroms in an inch. Therefore, 0.001 inches is equal to 0.001 x 254000000 = 254000 angstroms.
1 inch = 254000000 Angstroms
10 billion angstroms in one meter.
10 million angstroms in one mm
An angstrom is a length measured in terms of the wavelength of light. 254,000 angstroms is one thousandth of an inch, or "one mil" in English units. Conversion works out a lot easier in the metric system, where 10,000,000 angstroms = 1 millimeter.
29200000000 angstroms
There are 10 angstroms in one nanometer.
10 angstroms
1 micron is 10,000 angstroms
There are 10,000 angstroms in a millimeter.