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11 bits (which actually allows -1024 to 1023)

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Q: How many bits do you need to encode any signed integer between -1000 and 1000?
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Is there a way how to generate a random number in between -1000 and 1000 in c?

#include <stdlib.h> int myrand() { double d = rand() / RAND_MAX; /* (0,1] */ return d * 2001 - 1000 + 0.5; /* [-1000,+1000] */ }

Write a program that reads an integer between 0 and 1000 and adds all the digits in the integer?

public class Add { public staticvoid main(String[] args) { int value=12; intcount=0; int sum=0; while(count

What is the difference between 1000kgs and 1000kg.which one is correct?

1000 kg is correct, no need to make it plural

How do you solve this program wap to print sum of a digit of an inputed number?

wap to print all the arnstrong no. between 100&1000

1's complement of 1000?

Ones complement simply switches the state of all the bits (0s becomes 1s and 1s becomes 0s). Assuming 1000 is binary (for decimal 8), the 1's complement would be 0111. But if 1000 is really decimal one thousand, the binary equivalent would 1111101000, thus the ones complement would be 0000010111. Ones complement was originally used to represent signed integers. To flip the sign, all bits were flipped and the most-significant bit denoted the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). The problem with one's complement is that we end with two representations for the value zero: 00000000 and 11111111 in 8-bit notation. To eliminate this, most modern systems now use twos complement, which is ones complement plus one. Thus 00000000 is 11111111 + 00000001 which is 00000000. Note that ones complement notation means that an 8-bit value has a valid range of -127 through +127 (with two representations for zero) while twos complement gives us a range of -128 through +127. Signed integer notation is also system-dependent, hence the reason why a char data type in C only has a guaranteed range of at least -127 through +127 across all implementations. For that reason it is not safe to assume that -128 has a valid representation in 8-bit signed notation across all implementations.

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None. 1000 does not have an integer square root. 312 = 961 and 322 = 1024 and there is no integer between 31 and 32 so there can be no integer whose square is 1000.

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Answer #1:It Is: (2+1000)/2 = 501 which is an integer because it's a whole number.==========================Answer #2:There are 997 different integers between 2 and 1,000 .Start with ' 3 ' and count to ' 999 ', and you'll name them all.

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The integer part is 9 and the fractional part is 914/1000, which can be simplified.

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It is a whole number that is 1000 less than zero.

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The positive integer whose square is between 900 and 1000 is 31. 312 = 961.

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1416 is an integer 1000 is an integer A rational number is any number produced by dividing two integers. As such yes 1.416 is a rational number of 1416/1000

Is 1000 irrational?

No. No integer (whole number) is irrational.

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There are 20 minutes between 9:40 am and 10 am.

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They are elements of the infinitely large set of numbers of the form 1000*k where k is an integer.