

How many congruent sides doesn an isoceles triangle have?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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two because isosceles triangles have two congruent sides

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Q: How many congruent sides doesn an isoceles triangle have?
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an isoceles triangle has two congruent sides.

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An isosceles triangle

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No two angles within an isosceles triangle are congruent?

an isoceles triangle has two equal sides and therefore has two angles that are congruent.

How many congruent sides does a isosceles triangle have?

An isosceles triangle has two congruent sides.

Does a right triangle have 2 congruent sides?

In general, usually not. It is possible for a right triangle to have 2 congruent sides; this makes it an isoceles right triangle. This shape is often seen in architecture.

Does a triangle have 2 congruent sides?

Some, but not all. Triangles with 2 congruent sides are called isoceles triangles. Triangles with 3 congruent sides are called equilateral triangles.

If a tiangle is scalene then it is never isoceles?

A triangle is called a scalene triangle if its sides have different length measures. Since in an isosceles triangle there are two congruent sides, it cannot be a scalene triangle.

What polygon is with three sides and congruent?

Isoceles triangular * * * * * Any triangle. Congruence is a relationship between two figures. Given any triangle you can always find another that it is congruent to.