1 US gallon = 0.00378541178 cubic meter
1 US liquid gallon = 0.004 cubic meter
There are 0.003785 cubic meters in one gallon of water.
One US gallon = 0.003785 cubic meters.
Use conversion factor: 1 gallon = 0.003785 cubic meter by ratio and proportion, 1 gallon / 0.003785 cubic meter = x / 1 cubic meter therefore x = 264.2 gallons
One cubic meter = 220 Imperial or 264.2 US gallons.
One (1) Imperial gallon equates to 0.160544 cubic feet.
Use this conversion: cubic meters x 264.17 = gallons
1 gallon = 0.004 cubic meters.
About five (4.803) 55-gallon barrels.
A square meter is a unit of area, not volume, so it doesn't directly convert to gallons. Gallons are a unit of volume, typically used to measure liquids. To convert square meters to gallons, you would need to know the depth or height of the area in meters and then calculate the volume in cubic meters. Once you have the volume in cubic meters, you can convert that to gallons using the conversion factor that 1 cubic meter is approximately equal to 264.172 gallons.
219.969248 gallons (UK).