1 meter = 3.28084 ft (1 meter)3 = (3.28084 ft)3 = 35.3147 ft3 (rounded)
1 m³ = 35.3146 ft³
100 cu ft × 2 = 200 cu ft.
100*20*2 = 4000 cubic feet
35.3134 cubic ft
565.03 cu ft
100 ft * 250 ft * 12 ft = 100*250*12 cubic ft = 300000 ft3
About 35.31 cubic feet 1 meter is about 3.2808 feet. 1 cubic meter is (3.2808 ft x 3.2808 ft x 3.2808 ft ) = about 35.31 cubic feet.
100 cubic feet = 623 Imperial gallons.
Sq ft shows an area. Cubic meter show a volume. One cannot be converted to the other.
The cubic metre is international and it's name is the "stere". It is the same volume as 35.315 cubic ft.
5 cubic feet = 0.14158 cubic meter (rounded)