2,739,729.02739726 years in a billon days. :)
Calculating from a base of 365.25 days a year, 2,737.85 years equal one million days.
36,500 days. 365x100=36,500 DAYS IN ONE YEAR.
not even one one year= 365 days
well, in one normal year there are 365 days, so common sense would indicate it to be 365,000. However, you have to take leap years into account, so if we say that year 4 is the first leap year, in 1000 years there will be 250 leap years, so add the two together show that in 1000 years there are 365,250 days.
One generation is 28 years so that is 10,226.79 days.
About 2740
If only one of them is a leap year, then there are about 2556 days If two of them are leap years, then there are about 2557 days.
365 days make one year, except in leap years (every four years) when there are 366 days.
2737849516,63 years equal one billion days with the provision that the current time measurements are constant
None of them. One year is equal to: 365.25 days.
730 days for 2 normal years, 729 for 1 normal one leap years.