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Q: How many days cytopan should be use?
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Related questions

How do you use cytopan to abort pregnancy?

Cytopan is what it's called in Pakistan and these days there's a help line there. You find the numbers in the link below.

Can cytopan use after 6 weeks?

Yes, a medical abortion is available up to 9 weeks/63 days.

How many cytopan tablets use for 2 month pregnancy?

Cytopan is what it's called in Pakistan and these days there's a help line there. You find the numbers in the link below. If you take the wrong dose it can have serious health effects and you can even die so call the helpline so they can instruct you.

For how many days is it safe to use Acetaminophen?

Patients should not use acetaminophen for more than 10 days to relieve pain (five days for children) or for more than three days to reduce fever, unless directed to do so by a physician

How many days that the drug test should be conducted after use of cocaine to pass it?

about 3-4 months, unless you eat a lot of spice foods

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You can never be to careful so you should always use the pill or a condom

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In most cases, you should use cooked leftovers within 2 to 3 days. You must make sure to refrigerate your leftovers.

Whether it is safe not to use condom 8 days before and after the periods?

a girl can get pregnant anytime, the whole "this many days before or this many days after my period i cant get pregnant" is a myth, shes just as likely to get pregnant no matter when her period was. you should always use birth control if you are not ready for a baby.

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You can work out your abs every day, if you vary the exercises that you use. If you want to only do abs once or twice a week, you should do a number of different exercises on those days.

Can cytopan use in 12 weeks pregnancy?

It can be dangerous using medication for a medical abortion past week 9 so this is not recommended. It can cause fetal damage without aborting and cause dangerous bleeeding. You need a surgical abortion.

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90 days to 3 years in some cases

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Most just take regular although these days many are deisle it should say somewhere on your heater.