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There are: 1.1^6 = 1.771561 six decimal places

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Q: How many decimal places will 1.1raise to 6 have?
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Six of them.

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The cube-root of 6 is 1.817120593, to as many decimal places as are shown.

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You move it negative 6 places to the left.

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If your changing kg to mg what direction does the decimal go and how many spaces does it move?

The correct spelling is you're, not your!The decimal moves 6 places to the right.

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Rounding never increases the number of decimal places.0.6 is not only already rounded to two decimal places, it'salready rounded to one decimal place.

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What is 6 x pi?

The answer depends upon how many decimal places you will assign to pi. Assuming 3.14159 is good enough for your use, the answer would be 18.84954. If your calculations are more critical, you may want to use calculate your answer by assigning more decimal places to pi; pi calculated to 50 decimal places is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510. My calculator will only accept 15 decimal places; in that case pi is 3.141592653589793, multiply that by 6, and the answer is now 18.849555921538758.