Answering "How many decimal places to the right do you move to change kilometer square to meter square?"
You move it six places.
To change decimal to percent:Go two places to the right then add the % sign.
3 d.p. Because 1.000km = 1000m
The decimal point moves five places to the right.
You move six decimal places
Answering "How many decimal places to the right do you move to change kilometer square to meter square?"
You move it six places.
To change decimal to percent:Go two places to the right then add the % sign.
3 d.p. Because 1.000km = 1000m
The decimal point moves five places to the right.
Two to the right.
3 to the right.50 L is 50.000 mL
Two places to the right.
4 to the right of the decimal point.
Once, to the right, for every power of ten.