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Q: How many degree of freedom in the condyloid?
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arm has not 6 but 7 degree of freedom.. 1.shoulder have 1 degree of freedom. 2.yaw have 2 degree of freedom. 3.roll have 3 degree of freedom. 4.elbow have 4 degree of freedom. 5.wrist have 5degree of freedom. 6.wrist yaw have a 6degree of freedom. 7.wrist roll have a 7 degree of freedom.

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Only one degree of freedom

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What is a condyloid joint?

A condyloid joint is in the jaw and fingers. It can move side to side front to back but it can't rotate.

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Metacarpophalangeal joint. A condyloid type of joint.

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Were can condyloid joints be found?

in your ring peice

What is the example of condyloid joint?

multiaxial joint

What is df in statistics?

degree of freedom

How do you calculate degree of freedom of ice?

Degree of freedom=c-p+2;c=1;p=11-1+2=2

What degree of freedom is required in a democratic society?

One would think total freedom, but that would lead to anarchy, and by extension freedom for no one. This is a question that many have tried to answer. The more conservative view is a lesser degree of freedom than the traditional liberal view. The proper answer would be what the founding father may have had in mind, freedom for the educated property owners to pursue commercial interests, and freedom for the rest of the citizenry to live.