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Vertical angles are not a specific angle. It is the term used to describe two angles with a common vertex and are usually made up of the same lines. They are always congruent.

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Q: How many degree s are in a vertical angle?
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ummm a square ☺ ummm a square ☺

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I think you mean 108 degrees (superscript "o" is often used for "degrees"). From another answer in this section, using s=number of sides=Number of angles, you get angle = 180(1 - 2/s) which can be turned around to 2/s = 1 - angle/180 or s=360/(180-angle) So for 108 degrees you get s=360/(180-108) which is 360/72 = 5 sides.

Does a parallelogram have a 90 degree angle?

No , a parallelogram can not have a 90 Degree angle .Reason : A Parallelogram can be defined as a quadrilateral whose two s sides are parallel to each other and all the four angles at the vertices are not 90 degrees or right angles, then the quadrilateral is called a parallelogram.

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C = 90 - 41 = 49 deg S = 180 - 41 = 139 deg

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