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Q: How many different triangle's will a triangle always be able to make?
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Related questions

Are all types of triangles able to tessellate?

Yes, all triangles can be tessellated. To tessellate any triangle, take six instances of the triangle and arrange them such that they form a hexagon. This will be a repeatable pattern so being a tessellation

How do you prove a right angle triangle?

You cannot prove "a right angle triangle". You may or may not be able to prove statements about right angled triangles but that will depend on the particular statement.

Do all triangles have right angles?

No. Only right triangles do, and not all triangles can be right triangles. Equilateral triangles, for example, are always 60°-60°-60°. Isosceles and scalene triangles can be right triangles; all isosceles triangles have the additional useful property of being able to be split into two right triangles.

Where can Pythagoras Theorem be used?

Pythagoras' theorem can be used for right-angled triangles. Using the theorem, you are able to calculate what the length of one side of a triangle is.

What is the property of a triangle that makes it so useful?

its one of the strongest shapes of all there in our bodies without triangles we wouldn't be able to move our upper bodies.

Can 2 triangles make a square or a rectangle?

Yes, they can. To demonstrate this draw a square on a sheet of paper. Draw a line diagonally from one corner to the one opposite. Cut along this line and you will have two triangles. Take them apart; if you put them together again in the right way you will have a square. Put together in different ways you can make an isosceles triangle or an equilateral parallelogram. If you do the same thing beginning with a rectangle, you will be able to reassemble the triangles to form a rectangle, isosceles triangle or a (non-equilateral) parallelogram.

Can a triangle be made with only right angles?

No, else the sides would not be able to close. Triangles may only have one right angle, at any given time. For a triangle to have exactly equal angles; each angle would have to measure sixty degrees - which is known as an equilateral triangle.

What is the area of an equilateral triangle if it has a perimeter of 21 inches?

There is not enough information here to be able to answer this. Imagine a triangle with 2 sides, each of 10.49 inches, It would have almost no area compared with one with 3 sides of 7 inches each. Both triangles could have perimeters of 21 inches.

What is the difference between the area of two triangles within two congruent trapezoids?

There is not enough information about the triangles to be able to answer the question.

How do you figure sq ft of a room with five sides?

You should be able to draw an imaginary line between two corners that divides the room into a trapezoid and a triangle. The area of a trapezoid is (a + b)/2 times h where a and b are bases and h is the height. The area of a triangle is one half the base times the height. You can also divide the trapezoid into two triangles and do the triangle thing three times.

How do you find the area of a lake?

To be able to calculate the area of the lake, you must know two of it's three dimensions in space, that is the length and width. Usually, nature does not create sqaure-, circular- or triangle shaped lakes by default, which makes our measuring of the lake a bit more tricky. However, we are usually able to estimate at certain parts of the lake (either by cutting a minor part away, or the reverse - the net sum of these approximations should cancel eachother out) to be able to calculate the area using a geometry drawn by straight lines. As long as you have straight lines, you will be able to make either triangles, or squares (or both), rendering you able to divide the lake into parts corresponding to squares or triangles of varying sizes. After measuring these, the area will be calculated using the formulae for calculating area of a square and a triangle: Square: Area = side length x side length Triangle: Area = (base length*height)/2

Can a triangle have one acute angles?

nope. if it did, the two other ends wouldn't be able to meet with obtuse angles. A triangle must have two or three acute angles. A triangle always has interior angles that sum to 180 degrees. If a triangle had only one acute angle, the sum of its angles would be more than 180 degrees, which is not possible.