No but a right angle triangle has perpendicular lines that meet at 90 degrees
Do pyramids have perpendicular faces ?
Octagons have no perpendicular lines.
An octahedron has 7 perpendicular lines.
There are four perpendicular lines in a rectangle
Each of the four lines is perpendicular - to two of the other lines.
Not sure what a dimond is but a diamond has no perpendicular lines.
All of the adjacent faces are perpendicular. So there are 6 faces x 4 faces adjacent to each face So there are 24 perpendicular faces in a rectangular prism.
A cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices which all meet at right angles.
A trapezium has no right angles therefore there are no perpendicular lines. If it had perpendicular lines, it would be a square or rectangle.
There is no such shape as a perpendicular prism.