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About two to eleven.

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Q: How many flavors of cones in the world?
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How many different combinations can be made with 7 toppings 3 cones and 4 flavors?

7*3*4 = 84 combinations.

Which country manufactured the largest cone in the world?

There are many different types of cones: safety cones, ice cream cones, structures of cones, etc. One example of the largest cone in the world is the Glass Cone in Australia.

How many flavors of cheese are there in the world?

too many :)

How many ice cream flavors are there in the whole world?

i think there is 100

How many different kinds of triple dip cones can you make from three flavors?

you can make 27 triple dip cone combinations from three flavours 3 flavors for the first dip x 3 flavors for second x 3 flavors for third dip = 27 combinations

How many flavors of cheesecake are there?

it is unknown how many flavors there are new flavors of cheese are being made all the time

How many cones do you need in a tag rugby match?

about 24 cones

How many flavors are there?

maybe over a trillion flavors

How many Vitamin Water flavors are there?

there are 14 flavors.

How many bases do cones and prism have?

It depends on the prism but cones will always have one.

How many cones are there in a cluster?

There is no set number of male cones that can be found in a cluster. Unlike female cones, which are usually single, there can be large numbers of male cones in cluster.

How many flavors of Pocky are there and what flavors are they?

See the link below for the answer.