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78937354 if they are all the same size 78937354 if they are all the same size 78937354 if they are all the same size

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Q: How many hamsters stacked on top of each other does it take to get to the moon?
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Are hamsters different to other hamster?

yeah ... of course, there are many types of hamsters and they each have different personalities

How many books stacked on top of each other does it take to reach 1 million feet?

Depends on how thick the books are.

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Do hamsters kill each other?

Some hamsters live happily and don't fight all their lives. It depends on what breed you have. Yes hamsters kill each other because mine killed my other one. Keep an eye on them at all times and if they start playfully fighting it's best to split them up just in case Hope I helped x

Who many times did they build troy?

they build troy over six times and they were all stacked on top of each other and they found where troy was in homers time (the creator of the illiad and the oddessey)

Can regular hamsters have Syrian hamster markings?

Well what do you mean by regular hamsters? as i would call a Syrian a regular hamster - being the most common pet. syrians come in many colors and markings... russians, chinese ect (dwarf hamsters) normally all have similar markings to each other.

How many hamsters standing on each others shoulders does it take to get to the moon?

2453924654641 AND A HALF

Where do you find hamsters at?

You can find many at Petsmart along with other pets.

How many ways can you put 5 different books on a shelf?

240. 120 ways with the books stacked verticly, and 120 ways with the books stacked horizontaly, or one on top of the other.

Why are the cans used for canned salmon tapered?

Many small canneries in Alaska and Canada do not manufacture their own cans. Tapered cans are stacked inside each other to save space when shipping to the cannery.

Do hamsters molt?

Yes hamsters do molt. Hamsters molt throughout the summer and autumn and at this time many hamsters may have periods where their coats are sparse or may have areas of fur loss. Hermit crabs, snakes, gerbils, birds and I'm sure many other animals molt as well.