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Q: How many hours in one day on the sun?
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About how many hours in one day for the sun?

The Sun rotates on its axis once every 25.05 (Earth) days.

How many hours of sun does the equator receive each day?

12 hours a day.

How many hours of sun is there in a day in the Amazon rainforest?

17 hours

How many hours is it between the time when the sun is highest in the sky in one day and the same time next day?

the sun is at its precipice at 12 noon everyday. therefore it would have to be a full 24 hours before the sun hit the precipice again.

How many hours does Earth orbits the sun in one year?

Do the math. 365 days a year. 24 hours in a day. So about 8760.

How many hours of sun does the equator receive each day and yearly?

12 hours

How many daylight hours in summer in England?

The sun rises at 06.30 hours and sets at 09.30 on a long summer day. That is 16 hours of sun!!

How many hours does it take for mercury to orbit the sun?

Mercury takes 87.97 days to orbit the Sun, and there are 24 hours in a day.

How many hours are in a day at the North pole?

A day is still 24 hours. The sun may not rise or set during that period.

How does how many hours there are in a day calculate using the lines of longitude and the sun?


How many hours does it take a crayon to melt in the sun?

one to two hours

Why the positions of earth and the sun were used to develop calendars and clocks?

becuz their from sunrise to sun down is considered a day and 24 hours on the clock is one day and one day contruibutes to the calender.