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There are 36 inches in one yard. Therefore, one quarter of a yard is equal to 36/4 = 9 inches.

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Q: How many inches is a quarter of a yard?
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How many inches in one quarter yard?

0,25 yard= 9 inches

How many inches is one quarter of a yard?

9 inches

How many quarter inches are there in one inch?

There are 36 inches in one yard. There are 4 querter inches in each inch, so 36 x 4 = 144 quarter inches in one yard.

What is quarter of a yard in inches?


How many yards in 9 inches?

A yard is 3 feet, so 9 inches would be one quarter (1/4) of a yard.

How many inches are in 1/4 of a yard?


What is a quarter of a yard?

1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches 1/4 yard = 3/4 foot = 9 inches

How Many fat quarters are in a yard of fabric?

There are 4 fat quarters in a yard of fabric.When fabric comes off the bolt it is stored on, it is folded in half so that the selvedge ends are touching. To cut a fat quarter, a half yard is cut from the bolt of fabric. This half yard is then cut in half along the fold, resulting in a quarter yard of fabric (half of a half is a quarter).The fat quarter is used often in quilting because it provides more usable space for quilters than a standard quarter yard cut. A standard quarter yard is 9 inches wide, by the width of fabric on the bolt (anywhere between 40-44 inches is standard width of fabric). A fat quarter is wider, but less long at 18 inches wide by 20-22 inches long.Even though the fat quarter has a different length and width than a standard quarter yard cut, it still represents a quarter yard of fabric. Since four quarters make a whole, each yard of fabric can be cut into exactly 4 fat quarters.

How many inches are in ten and a quarter yards?

One yard is equal to 36 inches. Therefore, 10.25 yards is equal to 10.25 x 36 = 369 inches.

How many inches are there in 9 yards?

There are 36 inches in one yard. Therefore, 9 inches is equal to 9/36 = 0.25 yards, or one quarter of a yard.

A yard is how many inches?

36 inches in a yard.

How many inches ina yard?

36 inches in a yard