Km is a unit of length
Square miles is a unit of area
One cannot be converted to another. If you meant to ask how many square kilometer are equal to 52,997 square miles then it is
137261.5999 Sq km
Christmas Island has a total land area of approximately 52 square miles.
It is 52 Square Miles.
52 miles is about 83,685.7 meters.
Radius = 4.068 miles (to 3 dp)
52*5=260 Miles
52 miles
6.2 miles in 52 minutes is 7.15 miles per hour.
52 miles
52 miles per second = 187,200 miles per hour.
24' x 52' = 1,248 square feet.
AnswerIt is Christmas Island! I kid you not, it is a real island. It is a territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. Below is the link to the Wikipedia information where it lists on the right column that it is in fact 52 square miles.
There are 936 square feet.