These are incompatible measurements, as one measures area and the other measures weight. Sorry!
15 lb. has 400 sq. ft. 30 lb. has 200 sq. ft.
15 lb. 400 sq. ft. 30 lb. 200 sq. ft.
15 lb. 400 sq. ft. 30 lb. 200 sq. ft.
2 lb per 365 sq ft → 2 ÷ 365 lb/sq ft → for 5840 square feet the amount of grass seed needed is given by: 2 ÷ 365 lb/sq ft × 5840 sq ft = 32 lb
30 lb. covers 200 sq. ft. and 15 lb. covers 400 sq. ft. per roll.
15 lb. has 400 sq. ft. per roll and 30 lb. has 200.
If 5 lb of grass seed is needed to treat 1000 sq ft then 10 lb of grass seed will treat 2000 sq ft.
1076.391042 sq. ft.
19681.81 sq ft
5220.5 sq ft
32 sq. ft.
1 sq yd are in 9 sq ft