An equilateral triangle has 3 equal acute angles of 60 degrees and it has 3 lines of symmetry.
3 lines * * * * * None if it is acute angled scalene One if it is acute angled isosceles and Three if it is equilateral.
there is 1 line of simmetry An equilateral triangle has three. An acute isosceles has one and an acute scalene has none.
a scalene triangle has no lines of symmetry
An acute scalene triangle has none. An acute isosceles triangle has one and an [acute] equilateral has three.
An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry
An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry.
A triangle can have 0, 1 or 3 lines of symmetry.
3 is how many lines of symmetry a triangle has.
It has 3 lines of symmetry
It has 3 lines of symmetry