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Q: How many marbles are needed to play Mancala?
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How do you play a game with marbles?

Well First you Take 2 Marbles Then you use Your hands to amek the marbles move from one end to another

What are marbles made out of?

Marbles are usually made of glass( The kind you play with).

What is the origin of the common phrase losing your marbles?

The word 'marbles' has had many meanings throughout history. Marbles are generally known as the little glass balls that children use to play a game. From the mid 19th century, 'marbles' was also used to mean 'personal effects', 'goods', or more generally 'stuff'. This derived from the French word 'meubles', which means 'furniture'. Therefore, to lose one's marbles means "to lose your stuff," or, idomatically, to lose one's mind.

What are the rules of marbles?

Before you start the marbles tournament, you have to decide if you want the game to be a "keep it" game or not. If you want to play a "keep it" game, that means whoever wins gets all of the marbles that they knocked out. Now the rules of the game are simple: 1) Don't step in the ring. If you do, you are automatically disqualified. 2) Get all of the marbles out of the ring. 3) If you get marbles out of the ring on your turn, then you get to go another turn after yours. This keeps on happening if you keep getting marbles out of the ring. Those are the basic rules, but if you need more information, check out this website: [See related link "Marbles" below]

What is the game marbles?

Marbles is a game that uses marbles along with a circle. The goal is to knock your opponents marbles out of a created circle by flicking your marbles towards theirs. Whoever has all of their marbles outside the circle first loses. ********************** Actually, there are many, many variations of the game. Some are only played in certain countries or regions of countries and not all involve knocking out another marble. A popular marble game in France has you flicking your marble around a track like it was a race. In part of Tennessee/Kentucky area they play Roley Hole which has teams of 2 shooting their marble back and forth in their playing Field going into 3 different holes. Very complex and lots of strategy with that one. There is an old game called potsie where you shot your marble into a single hole. These versions don't use any target marbles - only a shooter. Then there are many versions that do use a target marble. In the US, the National Marbles Tournament plays ringer and the US Marbles Championship plays a modified version of ringer but both involve knocking target marbles out of a ten foot diameter circle. In England, during the British and World Marbles Championship, 49 target marbles are clumped together on a six foot diameter, 4 inch raised ring lightly covered in sand.

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How do you play a game with marbles?

Well First you Take 2 Marbles Then you use Your hands to amek the marbles move from one end to another

Who invented wahoo game?

Although we no longer know who exactly invented it, it was commonly played by many different people in the Appalachian Mountains. Today it is sold by Parker brothers under the title Aggrivation. It is also a game of marbles just like senet or mancala with rules similar to monoply. Play time about 45 min. Easy game and very strategic.

What are marbles made out of?

Marbles are usually made of glass( The kind you play with).