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Q: How many meters are in each increment in the metric scale?
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What scale is used to measure magnitue?

The Richter scale. The magnitude increases by powers of 10 for each increment.

What is difference in each 1 increment of earthquake?

Each increment in the Richter scale represents a ten-fold increase in the shaking magnitude of the earthquake. In most countries, though, seismologists now use the moment magnitude scale. An increment of 1 on this scale represents a 101.5 fold increase in the energy released. 101.5 = sqrt(1000) = approx 32.

In the metric system each millimeter increment is?

One millimetre more than previously.

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How much bigger is a 8 on the Richter scale than a 6?

being a log scale its 100 times larger between 6 and 8 --each increment of one is a factor of 10 in magnitude. energy released is much much larger tho

Can there be multiplle increment exression in increment part of the for loop statement?

Yes, you can have multiple expressions in the increment poart of the for loop statement. Just use the comma, and each expression will be evaluated from left to right.

How many millimeters are in 8.4 meters?

8400 millimeters are in 8.4 meters. There are 1000 millimeters in each meter, because in metric, the bases go Base (meters), Deci (decimeters), Centi (centimeters), Milli (millimeters), with each next step being 10x smaller.

What does the increase in 1 pH number represent?

Each increment or step on the pH scale is 1 order of magnitude or 10 times the previous step.

How are the weights distributed between 2.5 and 100 lbs.?

Between 2.5 and 15 lbs, weights increment by 2.5 lbs each; between 15 and 100 lbs, they increment by 5 lbs each.

How many cubic meters are there in a metric ton?

it is not exact but 2 dumpy bags 0.8x0.8x0.8x2=1 cube,I believe they weigh a ton each.

What is 8' square rug in metric measurements?

Your question isn't clear. Do you only want 8' in metric measurements, or are you looking for the area of the rug in metric measurements? If you want 8' in metric measurements, then you only need to convert 8' to meters, centimeters or millimeters. I think that meters makes the most sense. You need to look up how many meters are in 1 ft. There are 0.305 meters in 1 ft. Now to do the calculation: 8 ft. x 0.305 m/ft = 2.438 m. If you are looking for the area, again you have to decide if you want square meters, square centimeters, etc. Square meters makes the most sense to me. If each side of the rug is 2.438 m, and the rug is square, then the area is 2.438 m x 2.438 m = (2.438 m)2 = 5.944 m2, or in other words 5.944 square meters.

Algorithm for finding GCD and LCM of two given numbers?

As written in the c programming language to find the LCM for up to 50 numbers. All that needs to be done is compile this. It is my first draft of the program, as it was due for a class 2 hrs ago, but if you wish to try and optimize it, that's your task. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #define NUMFACT 50 void FindFactor(int[]); int Min(int[]); int Max(int[]); int calc(int[]); int check(int[]); void bubbleSort(int[]); void Display(int[],int); int main() { int factors[NUMFACT] = {0}; //FACTORS ARRAY INITIALIZED WITH 0'S int lcf; //LOWEST COMMON FACTOR FindFactor(factors); lcf = calc(factors); bubbleSort(factors); Display(factors, lcf); return(0); } void FindFactor(int factors[]) { int tempvalue; //TEMP VALUE TO BE STORED IN FACTOR ARRAY int location = 0; //LOCATION IN VECTOR TO PLACE INPUT NUMBER do { printf("Enter factor: "); scanf("%d",&tempvalue); if (tempvalue != -1) { factors[location] = tempvalue; } ++location; } while (tempvalue != -1 && location <=49); } int Min(int factors[]) { int increment; //INCREMENT EACH PASS int min = Max(factors); //MAX VALUE IN FACTORS CHANGED TO LOWEST int location; //LOCATION OF THE MIN VALUE IN ARRAY for(increment = 0 ; increment < 49 ; increment++) { if (factors[increment] != 0) { if(factors[increment] < min) { min = factors[increment]; } } } for(increment = 0 ; increment < 49 ; increment++) { if(min 0); lcf = copyfactors[0]; return(lcf); } int check(int factors[]) { int increment; // INCREMENT EACH PASS int value = 1; //TRUE VALUE RETURNED IF IF-LOOP IS ALWAYS FALSE for(increment = 1 ; increment < 49 ; increment++) { if (factors[increment] != 0) { if (factors[increment-1] != factors[increment]) { value = 0; } } } return(value); } int Max(int factors[]) { int max = 0; //START VALUE SINCE # CAN'T BE LESS THAN 0 int increment; //INCREMENT EACH PASS for(increment = 0 ; increment < 50 ; increment++) { if (factors[increment] > max) { max = factors[increment]; } } return(max); } void bubbleSort(int factors[]) { int numPasses; //LCV THAT CONTROLS # OF PASSES int lcv; //LOOP CONTROL VARIABLE FOR SORTING int temp; //HOLDS VALUE DURING SWAP for(numPasses = 1; numPasses < NUMFACT ; numPasses++) { for(lcv = 0 ; lcv < NUMFACT - numPasses ; lcv++) { if(factors[lcv] > factors[lcv+1]) { temp = factors[lcv]; factors[lcv] = factors[lcv+1]; factors[lcv+1] = temp; } } } } void Display(int factors[],int lcf) { int increment; //INCREMENT EACH PASS printf("The factors of %d are:",lcf); for(increment = 0; increment < 50 ; increment++) { if(factors[increment] != 0) { printf(" %d",factors[increment]); } } printf("\n"); }