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How many hours a day do you want to drive? 8? 24? Choose the number of hours, then multiply that by the speed.

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Q: How many miles can you go in a day if you're going seventy miles per hour?
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How long would it take to drive twenty eight miles going seventy five miles an hour?

22 minutes 24 seconds.

What can go seventy miles per hour?

A cheetah can go up to 70 miles per hour.

How long does it take to drive seventy miles?

If your on a highway without traffic - about an hour.

How many kilometers per hour is seventy miles per hour?

Answer: 70 mph = 112.654 km/h

If you are driving seventy-five miles per hour how long will it take to drive 357 miles?

4.76 hours

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It will take 0.54 hour to cover 38 miles going by 70 miles per hour.

How many miles can you drive in an hour if you are going 70 miles an hour?

70 miles

How much more momentum of a car going 60 miles an hour and then a car going 20 miles?

A car going 60 miles per hour and a car going 20 miles an hour Does it have 12 times the momentun than the one going 20

What s the average speed of caltrain?

The average speed of the Caltrain is fifty-five miles per hour, but it has a top speed of seventy-nine miles per hour.

How fast is seventy kilometers in miles per hour?

Answer: 70 km/h = 43.5 mph