This entirely depends on where you are flying to. It can be as few as 20 minutes or as much as 18 hours in the air.
240 miles is always 240 miles, no matter where you are.But, if you are asking how long it takes to travel 240 miles on an airplane, then it depends on the speed (or perhaps the type) of the airplane.
That depends on your speed.
An airplane flying at 500 miles per hour will take 4 hours to travel 2000 miles (2000 miles ÷ 500 mph = 4 hours).
About 43 minutes.
At full speed an airplane can travel 3500 miles with the wind in 5 hours but it requires 7 hours to travel the same distance against the wind?
At 550 miles per hour, it would be .15 miles per second.
From TN to South Korea, it is about 6900 miles when traveling through a passenger airplane. It was thus take 13.5 hours to travel by plane.
That depends on the speed at which one is traveling.
From which country ?
1000 Kilometers per hour (600 miles per hour)- faster than most airplane travel.
18 720 miles
5,069 miles