

How many miles would it take to get to the sun?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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93 million miles

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Q: How many miles would it take to get to the sun?
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we would be 150 million miles from the sun,at least for now!

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At that speed, it would take3720 hours, which is just 155 days !

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It is about 93 million miles to the sun from the earth. To answer your question you would just need to know how fast the vehicle was traveling to get the answer.

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I calculate 603 million miles.

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If you could drive through space at 75 miles per hour how long would it take you to reach the sun?

94.26 million miles to the sun at 75 mph, that would take 52367 days or 143.5 years

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It would take about 120 years

How many hours would it take to reach the sun traveling 1000 miles per hour?

About 10.6 years. The sun is about 93million miles away, thus: time ~= 93000000 miles ÷ 1000 mph = 93000 hours = 3875 days ~= 10.6 years.

How long would it take to drive to the sun at 55 miles a hour?

since the sun is approximately 93,000,000 miles from earth... Just over 185 YEARS !