365 days * 24 hours in a day * 60 minutes in an hour = 525600 minutes
527040 for leap year
60 mins. times 24 hrs. equals 1440 mins. times 365 days. equals 532896 mins. The total minutes in one year.
One third of what? 1/3 day? 1/3 year? 1/3 minute?
1 minute is 60 seconds.
1 minute = 1/60 hours.
1 minute = 1/60 degrees.
There is exactly 1 minute in a minute. There is 0.01666... recurring hours in 1 minute.
525,600 minutes
There are 60,000 milliseconds in a minute.
One year is about 525,949 minutes.
A minute contains 1/60th of an hour.
1 light-minute is 11,176,943.823 miles.
1 person die per minute
1 minute ago