1397 minutes
2,828 minutes = 1day 23hours 8minutes
24 hours. More exactly : 23hours and 56 minutes.
The earth spins one complete spin every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds (rounded)
23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded)
23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded)
23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded)
23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded)
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 17.5 hours.
One complete turn every 23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded).
The Earth spins on a 23.5 degree angle and takes 24 hours to do one spin or 23hours and 56 minutes to be exact. But the earth takes 365.5 days (year) to do a complete circuit of the sun.