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Q: How many number less than 100 have an odd number of factors in term of a rectangular array?
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What does the math term matrix mean?

A matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes) is a rectangular array of numbers, such as an item in a matrix is called an entry or an element.

What whole number less than 150 has odd number of factors?

There are 12 numbers less than 150 which have an odd number of factors: 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144.

You are a number less then 100 two of your factors are 3 and 5?

I am a number less then 100 two of my factors are 3 and 5 my digits are 1 apart

What is the condition of second largest number?

There is no such condition. The algorithm to locate the second largest number in an array of numbers is: Sort the array in descending order. Remove the duplicate values from the array. If there are two or more elements remaining, return the second number. If there is less than two elements remaining, return the NaN value (not a number).

What is a number that is less than 3 and has three factors?

The smallest number that has exactly three factors is 4.

What number less than 50 has the most factors?

48 has 10 factors, the most factors of any number under 50.

What number less than fifty has the most factors?

48 has ten factors.

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180 has 18 factors.

What is an odd number less then 350 that has four factors?

15 has four factors.

What number less than 19 has more than 4 factors?

There are a few numbers that are less than 19 and have more than 4 factors. The number 10 is less than 19 and has more than four factors.

How many positive integers less than 2010 have an odd number of factors?

There are 44 positive integers less than 2,010 that have an odd number of factors.

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