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Q: How many pairs are there in one segment?
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How many legs per body section do millipedes have?

Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment.

Where are a millipede's legs located?

It has two pairs of legs on each segment. A centipede has one pair for each segment.

How many legs do millepedes have?

1,000.... no actually they do not, they have 2 pairs of legs per body segment

How many legs does a centipede have per segment?

A centipede has two legs per segment, one on each side. And they usually stick out to the side of the centipede. A milipede has 4 legs per segment, two on each side, and they are usually more under the body of the milipede.

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Can have no pairs or one pair...

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A line segment has one dimension . . . length.

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There are 2 base pairs in a DNA strand, GC and TA

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A centipede would have 50 pairs of legs, adding to 100 legs. Cent is the French word for 100 (one hundred), and would therefore mean it would have 100 legs Centipedes do not always have 100 legs. They can have anywhere between 20 to 300 legs despite rumours of them having 100 Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment. This differentiates them from millepedes, which have two pairs of legs per body segment.

How many midpoints does a line segment contain?

it depends on how long or how many joining segments it has. normally one line segment contains only one midpoint. Unless it has a joining segment there is only one midpoint.

A human cell has how many pairs of autosomes and how many pairs of sex chromosomes?

There are 22 autosome pairs and one pair of sex chromosomes.