number of pairs of odd numbers whose sum is 32: 8
pairs of odd numbers whose sum is 32:
1, 31
3, 29
5, 27
7, 25
9, 23
11, 21
13, 19
15, 17
The sum of an odd number of odd numbers will be odd.
You cannot do this, because you're taking odd numbers: if you add two odd numbers together, you will get an even number. Take the odd numbers in pairs, so you'll have 3 pairs plus an extra odd number. The 3 pairs make 3 even numbers. You can add up any number of even numbers and get an even number, so you will have an even + odd, which is odd. 30 is an even number, but your result will be odd, no matter what 7 odd numbers you choose.
There are no 5 odd numbers whose sum is 50. (The sum of 5 odd numbers is an odd number whereas 50 is an even number.)
There are none. Two odd numbers added together equal a even number.
Yes there is there should be!
The nearest number whose square ≤ 10000 is 100. Then the greatest odd number less that 100 is 99 so there are 50 odd numbers in the range 1- 99 inclusive whose squares are less than 10000.
The factor pairs of 429 (all odd numbers) are (429,1)(143,3)(39,11)(33,13)
There is no set of 3 consecutive odd numbers whose product is 6,873. However, there is a set of 3 consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 6,873: 2289, 2291, and 2293.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 are six consecutive odd numbers whose sum is 36
The sum of 9 odd numbers must be odd and so cannot be an number.
There is no set of odd numbers whose product is 56 since the latter is even.